Massive Earthquake To Hit Pakistan's Balochistan in Next 48 Hours, Dutch Scientist Issues Strong Warning

According to the SSGEOS, this seismic event is expected to strike Pakistan within the next 48 hours. The SSGEOS specializes in monitoring fluctuations of electric charge in the atmosphere near sea level, which they claim are indicative of regions where stronger seismic activity might occur, typically within a range of 1 to 9 days. While the organization emphasizes that the regions they mark as potentially affected are approximations, they provide valuable insights into potential earthquake-prone areas. In a recent prediction, the Dutch scientist working with SSGEOS reported a significant surge in electric activity along the Chaman fault lines in Pakistan.


This surge has sparked anticipation of a powerful earthquake occurring within the next 48 hours, causing concern among the local population.

Notably, this Dutch scientist has a track record of accurately predicting earthquakes, most notably forecasting the devastating quake in Turkey earlier this year. Tragically, the Turkish earthquake resulted in the loss of over 47,000 lives.

Balochistan: A massive earthquake is likely to hit Pakistan's Balochistan in next 48 hours, Dutch scientist Frank Hoogerbeets has issued a strong warning. The Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS), the organisation in the Netherlands, has predicted that the earthquake will hit the Balochistan province in Pakistan.
