About Us

Welcome to mp3play, your one-stop shop for free song downloads. Over 30,0000 songs can be downloaded here. We're passionate about music, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to find and enjoy your favorite songs. We offer a wide variety of songs, from all genres and eras. Whether you're looking for the latest pop hits or classic rock anthems, we have something for you. We also offer a variety of features to make your music experience even better, such as:

* Free song downloads: You can download as many songs as you want, for free.

* High-quality audio: All of our songs are encoded in high-quality audio, so you can be sure that your music will sound amazing.

* Easy-to-use interface:Our website is easy to use, so you can find and download the songs you want quickly and easily.

* No registration required:You don't need to create an account to download songs from our website.

We're constantly adding new songs to our library, so you'll always have something new to discover. And because we're committed to providing you with the best possible experience, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So what are you waiting for? Start downloading your favorite songs today!

* Our Mission Our mission is to provide music lovers with a convenient and free way to download their favorite songs. We believe that everyone should have access to great music, regardless of their budget or location.

Our Values

* Free: We offer all of our songs for free, so you can enjoy your favorite music without having to pay a penny.

* Quality: We only offer high-quality audio files, so you can be sure that your music will sound amazing.

* Convenience: Our website is easy to use, so you can find and download the songs you want quickly and easily.

* Community: We believe that music is best enjoyed together, so we encourage our users to interact with each other and share their love of music. For more information Read Disclimer

Our Team

Our team is made up of music lovers who are passionate about providing you with the best possible experience. We're constantly working to improve our services, so you can be sure that you're always getting the latest and greatest.

Thank you for choosing mp3play

We hope you enjoy our services. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.



Somi Awan

Co-founder of Mp3play