Here is a more detailed and expanded answer about the latest news and updates about Google AdSense in 2023 and 2024

Google is committed to making AdSense the best possible platform for publishers to monetize their websites. By investing in new features and improvements, Google is ensuring that AdSense remains a valuable tool for publishers in the years to come.

Link ads are being retired.

Link ads were a type of text ad that allowed publishers to link directly to products or services on other websites. Google announced in 2022 that it would be retiring link ads on March 10, 2023.

Google Ads is moving to real-time bidding (RTB) by default.

On October 31, 2023, Google Ads will begin to move primarily to RTB auctions and will no longer respond to multiple calls in mediation. This means that publishers will need to make sure that their websites are set up to support RTB.

Google is requiring publishers to use a Consent Management Platform (CMP) in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK.

Google is requiring publishers to use a CMP in the EEA and the UK beginning in January 2024. This is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A CMP allows users to control how their data is used for advertising purposes.

Redesign of the Sites page in AdSense:

Google is redesigning the Sites page in AdSense to make it more user-friendly and efficient. The new Sites page will be launched in March 2023.

New features and improvements in the works for AdSense:

1) AI-powered ad placement

Google is using machine learning to develop new algorithms for placing ads on websites. These algorithms will take into account a variety of factors, such as the content of the page, the user's interests, and the ad's performance, to place ads in the most effective locations.

2) Real-time ad performance reporting

Google is developing new reporting features that will allow publishers to see how their ads are performing in real time. This will help publishers to make adjustments to their campaigns more quickly and efficiently.

3) New ad formats for mobile devices

Google is developing new ad formats that are specifically designed for mobile devices. These ad formats will be more effective at engaging users on mobile devices and generating revenue for publishers.

Google is constantly working to improve AdSense and provide publishers with the best possible experience.
